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with love and whole food

Improving your Mood with Food

We all know the effect that food can have on us, from our waistlines to our bones, it has power over such significant aspects of our lives. This week, we’re discussing how food can affect our moods. We’re passionate about living life to fullest in the most positive, energetic way as possible, so we want to make sure that our moods are always ready to keep up with us. We decided to share with you our best tips for managing your mood with food! Don’t Skip Meals The act of eating itself is such an incredible experience, why would you...

Fitness For Free!

Who needs the gym anyway? Why confine yourselves to treadmills and exercise and bikes, when our beautiful world is there to explore? Not only can gym memberships be expensive but it can also be such a hassle finding time to visit for a workout when life is busy enough as it is. The routine of making your way to the gym can sometimes take the fun out of exercise, making it seem like a chore rather than a fun way to stay fit and healthy. We’ve come up with the list of our all-time favourite ways to keep active without...

From Inside Out

We’ve given you some of our best Ayurveda tricks and tips to help you feel the very best on the inside but now it’s time to focus on the outside! According to Ayurveda there are three different types of beauty. Firstly there’s inner beauty, this is what we’ve been focusing on in our blog for the last few weeks by discussing topics such as stress relief and positive mental thinking. Outer beauty is all about looking as good as you feel by taking the best possible care of yourself. Finally there’s lasting beauty that will always stay with you throughout...

The Universe & Guanas

By now, we all know that doshas are an integral part of Ayurveda. Whether your dominant dosha is vata, kapha or pitta can have a profound effect on different aspect of your lifestyle including diet, exercise, hygiene and sleep. However, today we’re going to be discussing another important part of Ayurveda- guanas! According to Hinduism, the universe is made up of an energy called Prakriti. Within this energy is emerges three qualities known as guanas. Sattva, raja and tama, are these three qualities which not only make up everything in our universe, but our entire wellbeing as well. These qualities...

The Ultimate Ayurveda Guide to Digestion

When it comes to digestion, many who study Ayurveda believe that it has a major impact on your overall health. It all comes down to your agni! This is a Sanskrit word that literally translates into fire. We have multiple fires throughout our body, including one in the mind and another in the intestines. This fire (which is known as your Jathara agni)  is absolutely essential to understanding Ayurveda, every imbalance or feeling of unease can be traced right back to your agni. From preventing the build-up of toxins, improving intelligence and awareness and regulating your emotions, agni plays an...