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with love and whole food

Winter Skin

If your skin has been dry lately, you’re not alone. Cold weather and dry indoor air (especially during lockdown) all conspire to suck the moisture out of skin during the winter months, leaving it dry, cracked, and scaly. And, lockdown or not, prolonged periods in the cozy indoors aren’t exactly helpful because humidity levels tend to be lacking there as well. One should be very careful to keep their dosha in balance as vata (a combination of space and air elements) dominates during winters making the body dry.  As odd as it may seem, Winter (Vata season) is actually the...

It's Detox Time!

There’s nothing like a fresh start to celebrate the start of a new season! With Spring finally in the air, why not put a spring in your step with a detox? The Ayurvedic Approach In Ayurveda, we take a different approach to cleansing, instead of focusing on juices and raw foods, Ayurveda focuses on foods that are really easy for your body to digest. You see, a healthy lifestyle starts with the digestive system. Your digestive health is dependent on the balance of "agni", or digestive fire, translated from Sanskrit. If your digestive system starts to become unbalanced, your body becomes much more susceptible to disease. When...

DIY Ayurvedic Skincare

Have you been thinking of a beauty session at home? This is where do-it-yourself-day-spa indulgence meets the depth and beauty of the Ayurvedic wellness tradition.

5 Herbs for Healing: Turmeric

Up next of our 5 Herbs for Healing series is all about turmeric!  For a long while now we have become more and more awakened to the powerful healing nature of this ancient root...

5 Herbs for Healing: Ginger

Ginger is an all-time favourite herb of mine! Ginger provides valuable minerals, bridging the gap between diet and medicine. Renowned for its healing and cold-fighting benefits...