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with love and whole food

5 Herbs for Healing: Turmeric

Up next of our 5 Herbs for Healing series is all about turmeric!  For a long while now we have become more and more awakened to the powerful healing nature of this ancient root...

5 Herbs for Healing: Ginger

Ginger is an all-time favourite herb of mine! Ginger provides valuable minerals, bridging the gap between diet and medicine. Renowned for its healing and cold-fighting benefits...

5 Ways to Begin Your Spiritual Journey

The word spirituality gets thrown around a lot, but what does it actually mean? Do you have to believe in a god to be spiritual? Is spirituality an epic pursuit? Are your friends who do yoga three times a week more spiritual than you? No, no, and not necessarily. Galan Watts, a Cultural Studies Ph.D candidate at Queens University in Canada has been researching millennial attitudes towards spirituality. He found that when people call themselves spiritual these days, they generally mean that they: * Believe there’s more to the world than the material­ (what we can see and hold in...

From Inside Out

We’ve given you some of our best Ayurveda tricks and tips to help you feel the very best on the inside but now it’s time to focus on the outside! According to Ayurveda there are three different types of beauty. Firstly there’s inner beauty, this is what we’ve been focusing on in our blog for the last few weeks by discussing topics such as stress relief and positive mental thinking. Outer beauty is all about looking as good as you feel by taking the best possible care of yourself. Finally there’s lasting beauty that will always stay with you throughout...

The Ultimate Ayurveda Guide to Digestion

When it comes to digestion, many who study Ayurveda believe that it has a major impact on your overall health. It all comes down to your agni! This is a Sanskrit word that literally translates into fire. We have multiple fires throughout our body, including one in the mind and another in the intestines. This fire (which is known as your Jathara agni)  is absolutely essential to understanding Ayurveda, every imbalance or feeling of unease can be traced right back to your agni. From preventing the build-up of toxins, improving intelligence and awareness and regulating your emotions, agni plays an...