We thought we'd share with you some of the great people we get to meet through Wholistically Healthy! Here's our first one, let us know what you think!
First up, tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do.
My name is Kelly and I am the director of Picture of Health: Movement & Mindfulness. My career in this epic industry started with mobile personal training 5 years ago, and my brand has evolved over the years to include nutrition coaching, corporate wellness, pilates, and my new passion “Mindfulness Workshops and Coaching”. In 2015 I also started running Wellness Retreats under the brand “Reflection of Balance”. Earlier this year I was also asked to be a Lululemon Ambassador which is very exciting!
What does your daily health & wellness routine consist of?
My daily health and wellness routine is not as strict as a daily ritual, but usually includes dry brushing and a breathing exercise. Every day includes some form of movement (whether that is RPM which I instruct, a run, pilates or yoga), some form of learning, ensuring I get out in the sunshine, and always delicious homemade food.
If you could take only one of Wholistically Healthy's meals to a desert island (to eat every day until you were rescued!) – which one would it be and why?
Without a DOUBT, the sweet potato and spelt gnocchi – because I cannot say no to gnocchi ESPECIALLY with [vegan] blue cheese!!
How do you most like to use the WH meals?
For me, anything I can eat on the go is going to be the most helpful as my business is mobile and I can be on the road from 5am – 6pm some days!
Aside from having your meals delivered, what are your other favourite ways to take care of yourself in Perth?
Taking care of myself in Perth includes stillness (yoga with the beautiful Laura Birchenough mostly), a massage with the amazing Teagan Read of Body Read, or a catch up with friends at either Nature’s Harvest Cottesloe or Chicory (Currumbine) as this is where I get all of my health food and ingredients.
Do you have any secret tips you use to keep looking / feeling great?
Vary your movement, vary your meals. Move because It brings you joy, balance the types of food you like, with the nutrients you need. Eliminate guilt by owning every choice you make.
How do you like to relax? What are your night time rituals to help you wind-down & get a deep sleep?
Winding down for me must include being cosy in the most unflattering slippers and dressing gown, candles and chilled music.
And finally, we <3 veggies! What's your favourite vegetable that you just can't live without, and your favourite way to have it?
I would have to choose Sweet potato – baked as wedges or steamed to include in mini breakfast frittatas, zucchini because of my new found love for homemade sweet zucchini bread, and beetroot because I can include it in CHOCOLATE muffins!!! I love baking!
Thanks for taking the time to get to know us Kelly!
What do you think?
Let us know if you know someone we should meet, of if you'd like to be featured! Simply leave a comment or email us on hello@whly.com.au!