Mornings with Ayurveda
Are you a morning person? Or are a later starter? If you love a good sleep in, maybe it’s time to change up your routine! Starting your mornings early with enthusiasm and vitality can lead to a much more positive day and even provide some amazing overall health benefits! There are many Ayurvedic rituals to practice throughout your morning which can leave you feeling refreshed and energetic! Check out our tips for some inspiring and cleansing practices so you can have a good morning!
Wake Up Early
Ayurveda suggests that your mornings should start way before the sun comes up, depending on your dosha. If you need a refresher on your dosha, check out our previous blog here! Now before you start groaning and turning off those dreaded alarms, there are some great benefits to waking up early. By watching the sunrise, you’ll feel much closer to nature, therefore your day will be filled with calm and peace. For vatas, it’s recommended to be up by 6am and get moving for the day! If pitta is your dominant dosha, set your alarm for 5.30am, and for kaphas, your day should begin at 4.30am.
Cleansing is also an important step in your morning routine. According to Ayurveda, your morning should start off with splashing your face with cool water seven times to represent the body’s seven chakras.
Make sure to also splash your eyes too! This helps balance your doshas and prepare yourself for any challenges you may encounter throughout the day.
If you’re having a bath or shower in the morning, be sure to only use natural products, free from chemical to maintain purity.
Don’t forget about your oral health too! As well as brushing your teeth thoroughly, make sure to also scrape your tongue. This gets rid of any toxins (also known as ama) so your digestive tract is kept as clear as possible.
Yoga is an excellent way to get you moving in the morning! There are some amazing health benefits that comes with keeping fit, including improved strength, endurance and circulation. A personalised yoga routine will help enhance your understanding of Ayurveda and overall quality of life. Check out our recent blog for more information about practicing yoga.
It only takes fifteen minutes to bring some peace and balance to your life! Meditation is a great way to prepare for the day. Every morning take some quiet time to reflect on your goals and intentions coming up in the rest of the day. It’s important to be consistent with your meditation so you don’t get lost in your own thoughts. Check out some more tips for beginner’s meditation here.
We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day so it’s important to embrace it. After drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning to get rid of any toxins, follow this up with a light meal full of goodness. We have plenty of breakfast options on our menu to help make your morning that bit brighter!
There’s something extremely satisfying with following a pure and positive morning routine! With these energising and relaxing routines, you’ll be enjoying the benefits not only throughout the day but in the long term as well! The mornings are looking pretty good after all!