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Cabbage - So Versatile, So Beneficial!

Cabbage - So Versatile, So Beneficial!

According to Ayurveda cabbage owes many of it’s healing powers to it’s abundance of sulphur; which has warming properties, destroys parasites and purifies the blood. Cabbage is a rich source of vitamin C and vitamin E. It moistens the intestines, benefits the stomach and improves digestion. It can also rid the digestive system of worms. Cabbage also contains vitamin U – which is an ulcer remedy!

It can assist in treating the common cold, whooping cough, and improves symptoms of depression and irritability.

Cabbage can have benefits when used externally, or in combination with eating and being applied to the skin either directly or as a poultice. In many cultures it is used to beautify the skin; can help with the treatment of ulcers, varicose veins, arthritis and wounds and is good for warming constantly cold feet or alleviating frostbite.

Pickled cabbage can also have benefits in the form of Sauerkraut. It cleanses and rejuvenates the digestive tract, improving intestinal flora and helping to alleviate constipation.

Brussel sprouts

It should also be noted that Brussel Sprouts are basically a small cabbage and have similar properties – although they are rougher, and not as palatable raw.


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